The Little Piratemaid is an animated short about what it takes to discover yourself as a trans person in a cis-normative world—even if that world is one of pirates and mermaids! This short film focuses on the initial stages of transition, the moments of realization, and the courage it takes for a little pirate girl to simply be herself.
The Little Piratemaid was Luke Beatrice's senior thesis project at Lesley University. The original, super short version was released in film festivals in 2023. After the project won several awards, Luke made the full, extended version (twice the length of the original) without the confines of a school project. The new short will be submitted to film festivals over the course of 2024. To watch either short, Contact Luke for the password.
Film by - Luke Beatrice
Casting - Zack Rocklin-Waltch
Pirate - Rafi Perez
Mermaid - Audrey Forman and Steena Carey
Captain - Benton Melbourne
Sisters - Brittany Skyy, Holland Watkins, Kennedy Niyah Hill
Pirate Crew - Estefan Granucci, Michael MacLeod
Music - Elias Schwartzman
Sound FX - Epidemic Sound
Special Thanks - Olivia Strauss, Jesse and Dallas, Mom and Dad, Zack Rocklin-Waltch, Lesley University Animation